Off-road biking | Corridors to a secret world in Snowdonia

Posted on: 23rd December 2016

Off-road biking on Friday 21 October.  The excitement was making my tummy churn with anxious excitement. Dirt Bike is loaded, bags are packed and all is ready for the trip to Dolgellau, North Wales.

By early evening most of the party of 13 brave green laning souls had arrived and were tucking into fare dished up at the bikers retreat in Dolgellau.

By 10 pm it was pretty quiet as most had gone to bed for a good rest before the anticipated heavy day’s trail riding to come. The weather forecast was set fair all weekend, a very rare treat for Wales.

Day 1

By 8 am next morning the place was a hive of activity, bikes being decanted from vans and riders busing themselves with last minute adjustments to chains and tyres before breakfast.

The post breakfast dressing up for off-road biking was complete and after checking all the central bristol TRF riders were present our trusty ride leader DA led us on our way.  Tail ender for the day was JH who had a Go Pro to catch all those moments we didn’t want captured on the camera.

Off-road biking riders:

  1. DP ( not often seen)
  2. M-Crush ( another rareity)
  3. Expert DA ( ride leader)
  4. JH – (trail riding legend)
  5. DI ( bike god but has a bad shoulder)
  6. AW ( hat supremo)
  7. Turtle ( always looking happy)
  8. Don Colioni ( ants in his pants)
  9. the guinea pig ( enough said)
  10. Tootoo ( Bog specialist)
  11. MH ( young Gun)
  12. Dewoop ( dubious name)
  13. GM ( Scottish)

The first green lane took us through a narrow gully with two dry stone walls either side. It was long, muddy with lots of decent sized rocks to challenge us, perfect to get us in the mood. After that it was a combination of long tracks that let us get the wind in our faces. I would mention at this point that AD and Dewoop managed to blot their copy books by splashing me!!  Or was it done on purpose?

Infinite Green Lanes

The green lanes got longer and everyone was having a great time. The scenery was stunning and well worth a long look as we pushed on off-road biking.
Short in miles but day 2 made up by being time consuming in green lanes (a nice combination). The climb that saw us drag some of the bikes up by rope and the bog of despair did not fail to disappoint our anticipation of a tough day. All I can remember was dirt bikes going past with huge plumes of bog flying into the air and riders stopping in their tracks and launching themselves over the handlebars.

 off-road biking in snowdonia
It gave us ammunition to recant those off-road biking stories of over the handle bar antics that were exaggerated with every pint of beer consumed in the curry house later that evening.Last lane of the day was an out and back stony lane. Long and winding with plenty to challenge every rider.
Curry and banter at the local Indian. All we could eat for £20, sorted!
Fatigue kicked in later and I noticed that Don Colioni was ready to turn in. Bleary eyed by 9.17pm.  Maybe if he stopped every once in a while to take breath?

Day 2

Sunday and we were all out again, breakfasted and ready to go. The weather has been kind again albeit a tad cold to start with. The green lanes were brilliant and the views spectacular.  We finished with the Roman (not really Roman) green road over a mountain.
Trepidation getting over some of the slabs at the start led to constant jarring on the rocks and slate paths on the long climb to the top. What a view, we all sat there drinking in the achievement of getting to the top and the views it gave us.
Back to the Bikers retreat for fond farewells after a cracking ride out. No one got hurt. A few bike injuries but nothing that stopped us having a brilliant weekend away.
Roll on June 2017!Join TRF


Author: Dave I